Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Someone reminded me today is Tuesday... which means I said I was going to go with my Top Ten Thing or whatever.  I can't fall off the wagon after just one week, can I?!

Top Ten Things I Love About My Mom

This is inspired by our phone conversation this evening.  She called in a panic because she'd seen a Slate news article that had been accidentally posted to my Facebook page by my seven month old.  That's right, Folks, I gave Baby V my phone this afternoon to keep her occupied on the floor while I watched all important episode of Days of Our Lives prepared an organic and from scratch meal for dinner, and she managed to randomly post an article from my Slate News App to Facebook.

Here's the article

In case you don't want to read the article, it's about how children of divorce deal with splitting up Thanksgiving and how some divorced couples come together for the holiday so the kids don't have to divide time.

Our conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi Mom.
Me: Huh?
Mom: It's about how divorced parents should have Thanksgiving together with their kids.
Me: Huh?
Mom: I've been worried about this ALL AFTERNOON!  What am I not doing as a mother? How am I failing you?
Me: Huh?
Mom: It's the article on your Facebook page!!!!
Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhh Baby V somehow posted that while she was chewing on my phone this afternoon and I deleted it.
Mom: Oh.
Me: Do you really think I'd use social media to work through my issues with your divorce?
Mom: Well it did seem out of character for you.  This makes more sense.

So, here we have it.  In the one minute that this article was up on my page, my mother (who works full time and is not normally online during the day) managed to see it, read it, and immediately fear the worst.  Bahahahahahahahahaha!

In celebration of her fantastic concern for my well-being, here we have it:

Top Ten Things I Love About My Mom.

10.  She can go from nap to high energy in under a minute.  One minute she's sleeping on the couch, the next she's up re-arranging furniture and adjusting picture frames.
9.  She taught me to love reading.
8.  She doesn't get mad when I "borrow" her clothes and act like I never knew they were hers (this never happens).
7.  She does NOT comment on how messy my car is when she has to drive in it.  She just pushes the junk important stuff to the floor and gets into the passenger seat.
6.  She works hard to maintain our summer house as a place where our entire family can come and grow together.
5.  She reads this blog and says it's great.
4.  She never stops learning new things and trying to get better at old things.
3.  She makes me lentil soup.
2.  She has overcome amazing and unexpected adversity in her life with an inspiring and amazingly positive attitude.
1.  My kids think she is way cooler than I am.


  1. No idea who would remind you it was Tuesday... :)

  2. Your mom makes the best lentil soup! :)
