Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

I've been seeing lots of blog posts that have some kind of weekly "tradition" - like Throwback Thursday, Friday Finds, Wordless Wednesday, etc... and I like the idea.  But being me and being difficult I have decided to come up with my own thing - so, Top Ten Tuesdays it is. This might be the only Tuesday this happens... we'll see. I'm the decider, remember?

Top Ten Things I Love About My Middle Baby: Zany Z
First of all, now that I have 3 kids I totally understand how the middle child sometimes is left out or left behind or whatever... With the oldest every new milestone is AMAZING OUR CHILD IS A GENIUS!!!! and with the youngest every new milestone is MY LAST BABY TO EVER REACH THIS MILESTONE!!!!  So, with my middle one I worry she feels left out or left behind or not important, which is absolutely not true.  I hope my anxiety about that is just anxiety and not a reality...   

So here we have my Top 10 for this week

10.  She can sleep like a champ.  I knew from the very beginning that she was just like me - a couch potato who loves to lie on the couch and just chill out.  Our first morning home from the hospital she was in bed with me and she was just so content to sleep forever. I knew then we were sleeping soul mates.
9.   She is fearless yet tentative all at once. She does not take risks right away, but once she is comfortable she will be loud and busy and attracting attention in ways that no one else does. 
8.   She loves to pretend and use her imagination.  She will take something that she has heard or read (like the 3 Little Bears) and just run with it. She will dress up and make up stories or lead circle time or sing songs from school.  And she will be happy doing it with someone else or all by herself.
7.   Whenever Baby V starts crying she will immediately start singing our song to her "Baby V V we love you..." over and over again until she settles down.  Baby V has started to settle quickly when she sings to her - she seems to know it's coming.
6.  She has no problem standing up to her older sister, A.  She is one of the few people who does this with regularity.  She will immediately yell, "No, A!!! No!!!" if there is some kind of conflict.  She can get mad on a dime, but she can also immediately be sweet and loving as soon as the conflict is over.
5.   She can and will happily play by herself for long periods of time.
4.   She loves to sing.
3.   She will do almost anything you ask AS LONG as she's gotten a heads up.  No heads up?  Forget about it.
2.  When she cries (which is a lot because she is SO passionate about everything) she produces actual real tears. There's no messing around with her emotions.
1.  She has a spirit about her that is full of life and joy that is contagious to anyone who is around her. Today at Target every person who walked by us smiled at her because she was either singing or telling a story or shouting out a joyful exclamation at whatever crossed her path.  It is fun to watch her learn about the world and fun to watch others get to know her as she does that.

Yup, it's Wednesday already.  I'm behind before I even get started!

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