Monday, November 25, 2013

A few thoughts

I'm working on a new post - it's longer than the others so it's taking me awhile.  A few things as I get this blog going:

1. As of today I had 1100 hits on the blog - that is so awesome and thanks for reading! I"m sure 1,000 of them were my mom, but still it's a good feeling for me.
2.  If you want, you can become a follower which just means you'll get an email when I post and it makes me look good.  I think you can navigate to that on the right side bar of the blog... I'm going to work on submitting some of what I write for publication and if I have followers it looks like there are people who actually read my stuff.
3.  You can also comment on the posts - my mom seems to be having difficulty but others tell me it's easy.  I love to hear feedback and if you have something you want me to write about (or more about) then let me know!
4.  Feel free to share my blog with anyone who might be interested - and feel free to share others' blogs with me that I might find interesting.  I will add them to my "reading list" on the sidebar on the right.

Thanks for supporting me - your positive comments since I "went live" have made me feel so lucky and given me the motivation to keep going!

1 comment:

  1. Can you put a subscribe button from feed burner on here? I don't get email updates from blogger. I'd love to have you come directly to my inbox ;)
